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The Expansion Does Not End

Our investment philosophy is based on three core principles, built on decades of research and experience. By applying these principles, we seek to deliver sustainable, long-term value for our investors. Fundamental Investing We rely on sound economic theory and analysis to help us deliver long-term, repeatable results. Systematically Applied A disciplined methodology underlies everything we do. Our investment process, built over 20 years, is based on a continuous process of design, refine, test, repeat. Thoughtfully Designed In portfolio construction, risk management and trading, we seek additional value for our clients. Using both qualitative and quantitative tools, we’re meticulous in every detail of the investment process.

For nearly two decades, our overall goal has been to build compelling and repeatable investments that are highly diversified across signals and regions, and within a risk-controlled framework. We apply this systematic approach across our strategies, catering to the widespread investment needs of our clients.
Risk Management
Our Risk Management team oversees all aspects of both financial and non-financial risks including Market and Liquidity Risk, Counterparty Risk, Model Risk, Operational Risk, and Technology Risk. The firm employs a robust Enterprise Risk framework, which provides for a strong governance structure and ensures independence in risk making decisions. We believe it’s important for Risk Management to interact closely with the Portfolio Management, Research, and Trading teams, working together in managing risk. Together, we aim to ensure that portfolios are manageable through sudden and severely adverse stress events.
As for alternative investing, CSH Private Investment Fund has a long track record of managing the complexities of these types of strategies. By investing long and short, and balancing exposure to factors and asset classes, our alternative strategies are built to seek returns in both up and down markets. We offer both absolute return strategies, which target zero exposure to traditional markets, either at all times, or on average; and total return strategies, which maintain some exposure to traditional markets.

Regulated by International Trade Finance